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Rob's 300L Perigean Beach

Re: Rob's 300L (to be named)(week 1 photos)

That sounds like a mould. I had that once as well. Critters ate it.
Re: Rob's 300L (to be named)(week 1 photos)

Good to hear. Thanks all. Glad it's nothing too unexpected.

Here's a quick picture of how it stands today. Looking nice. Water is pretty clear now but I'll be adding some perigean soon to make sure it's as good as can be for the real photos.

Water is pretty chemically clean too. No ammonia or nitrates. I brought the temperature down a touch to 26 degrees and have moved the cardinal tetras from the 60-P (which should never have been in there) to this tank. I thought they might have sulked but seem very happy. No signs of stress at all.

I'm thinking I might just keep them, seeing as their owner isn't looking to get a replacement for his burst tank!


Keep in mind that this photo was from just the one luminaire and without the MH running, which is why the centre is so much brighter. Can't wait for the new lights to arrive!
Re: Rob's 300L (to be named)(week 1 photos)

Rob that looks like a scape thats been running for weeks ! Congratulations on achieving such an excellent look so quickly.

Also, i LOVE how you insist calling it perigean ! ITS PURIGEN !!! Perhaps you should name this tank "Perigean Beach" since it looks like an island to the left, with a seabed and mini island to the right.

Those cobbles look better than I ever could have imagined 🙂 :thumbup:
Re: Rob's 300L (to be named)(week 1 photos)

Thanks Chris!

I'll take that name but credit goes to apple for its autocorrect!

That's exactly the look I'm after so glad it's working. I think the little island could do with being further out from the 'mainland'.
Yeah the cobbles are working. Not bad for a cheap option. I particularly like the main one with the red and the veins.
Re: Rob's 300L (to be named)(week 1 photos)

I agree. I think the thing that makes it look closer is that bigger stone at the back of the mini island. Maybe bring it round to the right front ?
Re: Rob's 300L (to be named)(week 1 photos)

It certainly does look very established. And the cardinals make you realise the scale of the tank - they look teeny weeny! All in all, rather fabulous.
Re: Rob's 300L (to be named)(week 1 photos)

I'll try a few variations tomorrow while I do a water change.

Thanks Sarah! They look tiny in this tank but they're actually quite big. A good 2.5" now. They look a bit lost but they'll have company soon. Sterbai and rummy nose are ordered and will arrive over the next couple of weeks.
Then I need to choose a plec.

I'm still gunning for discus but there's an outside chance I might go for red gold apistogrammas, after talking to Mike at Amazon Aquatics today.
Re: Rob's 300L (to be named)(week 1 photos)

red gold apistos ? which species mate ?
Re: Rob's 300L (to be named)(week 1 photos)

Nor sure Chris. We talked about so many I got a bit lost! I remember one catching my eye though. It was about 3" long quite a bright yellow with an orange tail that faded to red at the end.

I'll go back at some point and talk some more. Apistos are his speciality so I got caught up in his enthusiasm a little. He suggested a pair of them as well as some discus but I want to research myself first.
Re: Rob's 300L (to be named)(week 1 photos)

Week 2 is off to a good start!
NA sent the new lights and they arrived this afternoon. All in great condition and full working order. They even sent me the new upgraded versions for no extra charge. These have the ballasts for the metal halides built in and are pretty much noise free.

Lots of flex included which made it easier to get everything sorted. You'll notice in the photos that I' haven't clipped the flex onto the frame but I will. The NA light stand has metal adjustable clips for the purpose.

Here is the underside of the light:


and here is the setup with just the four fluros running. Nice even lighting and a great colour from the sylania PCs. The MH will only be on for a couple of hours a day, as a 'noon' hit. I may have to adjust this but that will do to start.


Apologies for shonky iPhone pictures.
Re: Rob's 300L (to be named)(week 1 photos)

Just did a water change on this and realised that a small change on this tank is the same as a 100% on my ADA tank. DOesn't feel like it though. I like the fact that the volume is so much bigger I can be a bit more carefree when filling and nothing gets disturbed!

Looks like even in this short space of time the plants are growing well. HC is definitely spreading (although I will be taking some from the 60-P to fill some gaps- it's a weed in that tank) and both the rotalas have new leaves. As of tomorrow the MHs will be on for their two hour 'noon' burst which will help bring out the reds.

Loving the light now I have more even coverage too. Wont be long before I can can get some decent photos done. That's what this tank is all about after all!
Re: Rob's 300L (to be named)(week 1 photos)

pariahrob said:
Oh, any opinions on the black background? I think I prefer it on this tank to the other but it's only held on by bulldog clips right now.
I'd like to attach it properly but still unsure! What do you think?


I really like the black background especially as the dark substrate forms a diagonal path which lines up nicely with it making the light beech look even better :thumbup:
Re: Rob's 300L (to be named)(week 1 photos)

Hi Rob, looking great. Those MH's are awesome bits of kit. Im a little worried that they are very low for a double whammy of MH, even only for a short burst. I think you may find you need to raise them a fair bit. Going by what Mark Evans used to do, his were a fair bit higher. As for the background. I like the black but I also think it restricts your options in terms of photography. Having said that if its only on with bulldog clips its easy enough to change it, but why not go for the opaque background then use whatever type of background colour card (or even LED colour lighting from behind lower than the tank) you want/need for your photography ?
Re: Rob's 300L (to be named)(week 1 photos)

I'll have to keep a close eye on the halides. Don't want them causing any problems! I am loving the look of the two pendants now. The lighting is lovely and even. My missus thinks the setup looks like it should be in some swanky industrial warehouse turned bar, with the stainless lights and nicely engineered stand. I agree. Looks ace.

As for the background I'm not convinced. Chris do you mean a misty background? Opaque wouldn't let me mess with any lighting effects or other colours.

I could just keep it clipped on which would allow me to change at will. Problem there is the backing is v hard to gt perfectly flat and the tiniest bit of light down the back of the tank can cause flares. The less photoshop I have to do the better.

Re: Rob's 300L (to be named)(week 1 photos)

looking nice mate, i will echo what Chris says though...those MH are very close to the water there, they need raising or the anubias if gonna get algaefied pretty quick, the plant mass isn't massively high either...i would stick to using the tubes at present and wait til the scape matures a little until those MH's go on.
Re: Rob's 300L (to be named)(week 1 photos)

Thanks to antipofish for the idea. This evening I get a tasty treat and chance to build some caves for my scape. Not too keen on the hairy brown scifi pods but with some moss and partial burying I think they'll do the job.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:
Add rum and drink.

Step 4 will follow once I have moss or similar for coverage. I think some HC might work too. Hmmm.