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Ro Vs tap water

Hi all,
If I use to water what do I need to add,
Do you know how hard and alkaline your tap water is? You can ask your water company, but the map in <"Some handy facts about water"> may help. I'm going to assume it is hard water.

If you have hard, alkaline tap water you can just use a <"small splash of that"> as a re-mineralisers for your RO. It adds both carbonate hardness (dKH) and calcium (Ca). You are going to add magnesium (Mg) with your fertiliser, so you don't need it in your remineraliser. <"I use"> a fertiliser <"designed for hydroponics">, but there are <"aquarium options"> like <"TNC Complete">.

Tap water adds 1 : 1 dGH : dKH (from limestone CaCO3 as Ca++ and 2HCO3-) but you can <"decouple these"> by using other salts, have a look at <"James' Planted Tank - Re-mineralising RO Water"> and <"Choosing Aquarium Plants For Soft And/Or Hard Water">.

If you are an Excel user, the <"IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator"> is an invaluable resource for all things salts related.

cheers Darrel