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River style 69.69" UK native maybe


New Member
18 Mar 2025
United Kingdom
Hello, I am looking to set up a 49.1 gallon, 185ltr tank.

length x width x height
Inches — 69.69x12x13.78
cm — 177x30x35 approx

I would like to make this into a nano fish river tank. I have a aow-16 from where this was a marine tank before to create some current for it. The tank will be with a canister filter, possibly some sponge filters for oxygen levels.

I have two ideas.

A) a fully UK native river tank. Scottish cobbles, hopefully substrate found in the UK, wood from the UK (if not then corbo or structure wood like tree trunks), oak leaves if anything botanical. Plants would be native as well.
Stickleback and common minnow. Maybe some stone loaches if I can buy some. Gudgeon might be possible, but not 100%.

B) general river tank. River/beach boulders and cobbles, corbo/structure wood. Val, various ferns (java and such), floating leaf marsilea if possible.
Rainbow shiners, some kind of cichlid that will like the flow (smaller Geophagus maybe?), lemon bristlenose pleco from a previous tank, and nano fw gobies. Maybe some danios, like gold ring.

Of course, I could always do a combination, stickleback, common minnow, nano gobies and rainbow shiners (I keep a breeding group rainbow shiners in the pond so always have room to move them or the minnow if they argue), lemon bristlenose pleco.

Wondering what people's ideas with this are. Or whether others have ideas.
I do believe I lean towards the UK native tank.

Any answers appreciated, many thanks.
I'd love to see the UK native tank! Keep us posted
Yeah, I think I will likely go ahead with the native UK plan, seems the most interesting route to go.
If you find a reliable source for common minnow and gudgeon who isn’t asking for stupid money, please let me know. I have common minnow in my pond (I think they’re still there!) which I bought from eBay and want more.
Will see what I can find, of course also depends on what you see as reasonable. I believe DC freshwater fish had some in stock recently and they seemed to be talked positively about.

Thanks for the replies!