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River Slope


19 Nov 2009
Cape Town, South Africa
The tank progress:




#5 Leds only

#6 Full light
Hi Luis. Promising start that is. Is it debraced juwel 180? Does it bend in the middle after debracing? I have the same tank and it would be nice to debrace it.
Piece-of-fish said:
Hi Luis. Promising start that is. Is it debraced juwel 180? Does it bend in the middle after debracing? I have the same tank and it would be nice to debrace it.

Hi, it is Rekord 120, and it comes without the braces. No bow on it.. Had it without the cover for just over a year now.
Great work Luis. I think the sloping mix of plants and wood placement is excellent. The textured background isn't doing it for me though I'm afraid, I think it takes away from the effort and care you've put in to composing the plants and wood by over complicating the textures to the eye. I'm not against textured backgrounds but its not working for me in this 'scape - your composition looks more NA and less 'biotope'.
Cheers Neil. I also want to change the background, just have not got to it. I am looking at either dark blue or black, as it has to hide the cables at the back.

Thanks for the comments.

I took the idea from Tom Barr, as he has a tank with the wood on top, but bare on the bottom.
NeilW said:
Great work Luis. I think the sloping mix of plants and wood placement is excellent. The textured background isn't doing it for me though I'm afraid,

Neil, you were 100% right. I took the background off today, and what a result.. :) just amazing. The tank just looks so amazing.

I now just need to find a way to hide the cables, or get a light background to put on.

Thanks for pointing me to the right direction.
You have your tank in a similar position to mine i.e. in an alcove.

I can't see all the equipment you have apart form the Koralia and maybe a heater?

What I was doing while I had a Koralia in the tank (the heater is external) was to get the cable to drape over the side at the rear. I used some of those Nano diffuser suckers that are similar to airline suckers in design rather than a hole for a 'nipple to fit into. I have some of those spare if they are any help.

The light cable I clipped to the corner of the wall.

All is still visible then but not through the rear of the tank. looking from the front the inside glass of the sides is mirrored so you don't see the cables through there either.

Saying that in the last photos I took of mine I didn't get the lighting cables out of the way and they look a little like an extra piece of wood in the tank. lol

At the back I got:
- two cables for the AquaFX leds (easy to move or train across the top)
- CO2 difuser pipe (to move it I will have to also move the difuser, not something I want, as it is right under the filter intake_
- filter pipes (they are not seen)
- the heater (I can move it to behind the java fern, next to the filter outlet)
- Koralia will need to stay there, that is the perfect place for it, opposite the java fern and the anubias

Will move the pipes and take a pic. :thumbup:
ghostsword said:
Neil, you were 100% right. I took the background off today, and what a result.. :) just amazing. The tank just looks so amazing.

I now just need to find a way to hide the cables, or get a light background to put on.

Thanks for pointing me to the right direction.

Nice one :thumbup:

I was going to suggest a light background in my first post but I didn't know if was a step too far as thought you were one of those utilitarian equipment people, function over form and all that :shh: I knew you were saying you wanted to work on your 'scaping though so I think the clean look is a step in the right direction to break out of your comfort zone.

I would have that reference thing on the front glass on the right side out too as its rather distracting, the black thermo on the left isn't offensive though.

Get some pictures up!
Thanks Neil.

I will remove the two items, looking at the pics they do look odd. :)

I have taken more pictures and should post later...

For the bottom I am waiting for tenelus to form a carpet with it, and also for Micranthemum Micranthemoided for the right, just above the fern.

I am also getting some windelov fern to be just behind the anubia.

The right side will just have the crypts, it has parva and the Cryptocoryne Blassii, I got 6 of them, they have a good tone of red.

Also, I have tied down mosses to the manzanita wood, and placed one mat of moss in between the rocks, the Marsilea H should creep over it.

For fish it will have false neons and Dwarf Rainbows.

It is still work in progress. :) This is for sure taking me out of my comfort zone.

Thanks for the help and guidance.
as for the background, was it siliconed on and was it easy to get off, what did you use and how long did it take?

sorry for the barage, i'm thinking of doing the same thing.
nice start Luis, some very nice wood aswell.

youve for sure can grow plants very well as we saw in your last jungle tank and with your nano showed you can get 'scaped' look. Youve got all the right kit, ei, co2 and lighting ect and with all the help from the guys on here and your experience im sure this is going to be a great aqua scape :D

one thing......where are those beasty cory's!!! haha :twisted:
Here it goes more pics..

The emersed plants I had growing on the garden are now on top of the wood.

It has Draceana, Hydrocotyle Verticiallata, some Marsilea that I cannot identity and riccia on the wood.

With the led's off:

Hydrocotyle and Marsilea:


Area that will have E. Tenellus:

Anubia and Java fern corner, with the emersed plants on top:


Plants are recovering from algae:


Crypt corner:

Home made CO2 checker in acrylic:

That looks great :thumbup:

Just thought of another idea for you to consider of maybe a Saintly style backlight to show the silhouettes of both the floating wood and plants?

I'm curious to watch how the plants in the shade in the submerged part will grow, I reckon they'll be OK because of the CO2 injection. Were your emersed plants previously emersed or did you have to adapt them to the lower humidity?

Nice work though mate, inspirational :thumbup:
NeilW said:
That looks great :thumbup:

Just thought of another idea for you to consider of maybe a Saintly style backlight to show the silhouettes of both the floating wood and plants?

I thought about a back light, just need to figure out how to do it. Will check Saintly's posts for tips.

I'm curious to watch how the plants in the shade in the submerged part will grow, I reckon they'll be OK because of the CO2 injection.

With the CO2 and EI the plants will do well, below the emersed plants there are Java Ferns and Anubias. The CO2 difuser is right next to them, in front of the filter outlet, which is at least 15cm underwater.

Were your emersed plants previously emersed or did you have to adapt them to the lower humidity?

The emersed plants were in the garden since March, this in London, and they were doing very well. I got more to bring in, as I got Hygrophila Corymbosa and Disformis as well.

Also got Lileaopsis and some hairgrass, but this immersed, they are to go on a Waby stile tray soon.

Nice work though mate, inspirational :thumbup:[/quote]
ghostsword said:
Thanks Neil.

And where would I put this? From top to bottom, or from bottom to top? it would look great from the bottom up.. :)
Bottom up :thumbup:

Obviously only turn it on when you want to look at it or you may have algae issues!