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Rimless tanks evaporation risks...


14 Sep 2016
... just wondering what are peoples thoughts / experience on rimless tank evaporation risks in terms of mold / extra moisture / effects on ceiling ( cause of cracks? ) / attracting pests.
By rimless, I’m guessing open top? Depends on your circumstances. In a well ventilated centrally heated modern house it’s not usually a problem at all. But if the house has problems with damp and condensation etc, it’ll only make conditions worse.
Agree, if you have a unheated, cold or damp room to start with then avoid open top.

With open top tanks, other than a bit more condensation on the windows during winter no problems.
The ceiling not affected and no pests / bugs seen or attracted by it.
Think open top tanks look so much better in most situations.
25l evaporated from my tank last week with cooling fans above it keeping the temperature at 24° but the window was open so no problems.
As mentioned above, I think the only time you will see a problem is if the tank is in a naturally cold house with not much ventilation where the vapour will generally condense on the coolest surfaces.