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Ride on Lawn Mowers - Flood pics

It seems all of Europe was hit by heavy rainfall this year. Reports from Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands and also the UK?

How unlucky can one get, first downhill with that Corona lockdown, then uphill for a bit than this. 🙁 Devastating especially the people hit with a business to run.
shangman said:
Would be even better with some wild flowers in the mix!
Yes, read up about that and with the grass being so dense wild flowers wouldn't have much of a chance unfortunately.

The work New Pereniaal Movement provide ways of adding in flowers to the grasses and suggest ways of planting to manage modest flooding. In a UK context, the work of academics at Sheffield Uni are particularly interesting. See, Designed Ecology | Landscape | The University of Sheffield or About

Inspired by Dutch planting designer, Piet Oudolf they focus on naturalistic planting designs working with nature.

BTW love the shapes you cut and I definitely have lawnmower envy!
Think I will leave it a little longer to cut the grass 😉

The new pump I fitted is coping with the water getting through the wall, another 20cm deeper and it would off been over the steps. It was a close call. Good to test the pump, some minor modifications need doing to the land drains which can be done later in the year which I had planned for as well.
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Think I will leave it a little longer to cut the grass 😉

The new pump I fitted is coping with the water getting through the wall, another 20cm deeper and it would off been over the steps. It was a close call. Good to test the pump, some minor modifications need doing to the land drains which can be done later in the year which I had planned for as well.
Get yourself some ducks and geese and keep the rather large puddle as a nature reserve🤣
Oh crap! summer project! Add a couple of tiers to your wall and a couple of extra steps!! 😉
Oh crap! summer project! Add a couple of tiers to your wall and a couple of extra steps!! 😉
once the water gets up to step water coes through wall and up trough ground as well. so probably wont make any difference 😤
You can see the water going over flood defence in farmer field, making a bit of noise as well
need to wait till river drops before water my side will fall, pump is still on think its helping a little but not much 🤷‍♂️
This morning
Just needed the lady of the lake to present Excalibur to me
AT present
Soon as the river level went lower than the step my pump started winning @30,000 Litres/Hour plus a smaller pump
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Did it flood your basement?
Did it flood your basement?

And 'Olympus has fallen'

Lowered the water level in tank to 10cm after pic was took as base is compromised, didn't need a bucket of hose to get water out as I just let it go on the floor
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You have my sympathy mate, flood water damage is horrendous. Sadly these incidents are becoming the norm these days. 😪
I was going to scrap the base anyway, but son was going to use the tank and base but due to renovations was unable to get it moved. Damages are minor - house was build with regular flooding in mind, the cellar foods on regular basis and we knew it would happen sooner or later - was hoping for next year 🤷‍♂️
Glad it happened as can see what needs doing for next time and have detailed spreadsheets of critical levels when my flood defence gets breach:thumbup:

Tank base is unfortunate, no stock was lost