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Ricciocarpos Natans - light requirements

Simon Cole

25 Dec 2018
Hello everyone. I am looking for an ambient light plant, excluding duckweed, that could grow in tanks without artificial lighting.
Many liverworts grow in full shade, so I wondered whether anybody had tried Ricciocarpos natans, or whether you might have any advice about this plant please?
Hi all,
so I wondered whether anybody had tried Ricciocarpos natans, or whether you might have any advice about this plant please?
It is rare native to the UK, and likes base rich water: <"https://www.britishbryologicalsociety.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Ricciocarpos-natans.pdf">. I have seen it once when it was out in the open with <"Spirodela polyrhiza">.

The water was quite eutrophic (lots of Lemna etc), so if I was going to try and grow it? I'd go for base rich water and plenty of nutrients and light.

Edit: Aquasabi - <"Ricciocarpos natans">
....... Ricciocarpos natans is described as a difficult floating plant in aquarium literature, however this is not in line with our experiences. Apparently a good macronutrient supply is most important, otherwise we have not noticed special difficulties. Nutrient deficiency leads to very small, pale-green thalli. Medium to strong lighting and a calm water surface are recommendable. Under favorable conditions this liverwort multiplies quite fast,.......

cheers Darrel