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Riccardia chamedryfolia and graeffei


12 Jul 2007
Thought I'd share my experience of Riccardia I recently used on a new scape, I purchase one pot of the Tropica Riccardia chamedryfolia, and after initial planting realised I needed more however the Tropica Riccardia was out of stock everywhere, so I purchased some off ebay. Only after a couple of weeks of growth did I noticed the plant purchased off ebay was definatley different to the Tropica plant and presume it to be Riccardia graeffei, the growth pattern is totally different see the following images

Bushy upright growth of Tropica Riccardia chamedryfolia

And the Riccardia off ebay, you can see the completely different growth habit and how the plant will actually creep along the hardscape

Comparison of the two

Just though it was interesting, the ebay Riccaridia was sold as chamedryfolia and is clearly different, which one is nicer is hard to say but would give different feeling depending on which is used. The ebay Riccardia was purchased from K2aqua, whether all there Riccardia is not chamedryfolia is impossible to say.
Hi all,

I really like that one, whatever it maybe.

cheers Darrel
Maybe worth a punt buying some, would offer some but have any future trimmings earmarked for another new tank coming soon
You sure it isnt Süsswassertang?
Defiantly a Riccardia much smaller than subwassertang
That is interesting. Has the Ebay clump actually anchored itself to the hardscape please? @afroturf
Yes its anchored to the rock, just gave a blast with aturkey baster and no movement from it, most interesting is that non of the growth has grown upwards only sideway/downwards, had I spread it more thinly it would look really cool creeping across the surface, kind of like mycelium.
When I return back home, I'll also provide pictures. I purchased from Tropica and K2aqua. I don't think the k2aqua version is Riccardia chamedryfolia (more of a mix of different things).

Agree, my Riccardia had some sort of moss in with it too. Not a very reliable/constant product but in my case its a nice surprise.
Looks like tropica now offer Riccardia as a 1.2 grow. Not seen it before and will be getting myself a portion.
Be careful of this seller on eBay. Either I’m quite thick or their selling techniques are questionable. I ordered £12 worth from this listing “Mini Pelia Riccardia Chamedryfolia Coral Moss Live Aquarium Plants K2AQUA”and received some empty mesh pads this morning worth about 40p 👎😭


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It must surely be some kind of mistake, I have quite recently ordered a few different rare Crypts on separate occasions from them and all has been well.
Nope. I’ve been in touch with them today. They say I clicked on the mesh only dropdown and so received mesh only for 5 x £1.99. Won’t budge so now I’ll have to waste £6 in postage both ways to send it back. Quite miffed and they’ll be getting negative feedback.
Be careful of this seller on eBay.
Well I ordered their Eriocaulon quinquangulare and it turned up in flowering! Their Ludwigia inclinata "white" turned up excessively hyperhydric. Many of their invitro cryptocorynes and bucephalandra are also small and weak and nearly impossible to grow. On the other hand, they have brought some really rare plants to the UK that I never thought I would see in my lifetime. Bucephalandra filiformis "rosemary" is one example. They have also managed to stock Hygrophila lancea "chai", Pipstopatha Ridleyi and Echinodorus "aflame". All of which were adequate and snail free. I paid a professional plant importer in the USA a small fortune to source these plants two years ago, but were never sent and I lost my money. When they came up on EBay I was chuffed. But in all honesty Stu, I am annoyed that they should have the audacity.
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