Very nice!! Did the collector also say where and in what condition he found it? Literature says beccarii is non vining. Only could find one pic in it's natural surounding in mud bit had only 3 leaves, more like in rosseta grow form in shallow water it didn't resamble this plant very well. Probably not the same, maybe didn't pay attention enough, google isn't always showing what you search.. But in your pic it looks like it has rather epiphytic characteristics. Realy beautifull sp.
That fern is also very nice, indeed very classical looking.. I'm just a fern enthousiast rather then an expert. Only grew about 9 different fern sp. in my collection till now. This family is so huge, 9 is nothing. So for me that's a fern alright and that's about it.. Realy can't say much else than it's beautifull.. 🙂