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Rescape and temp tank help


18 Feb 2019
Hi guys,
The whole downstairs of our house is due for redecoration and new flooring so I have to temporarily move the tank. Therefore I've decided I will rescape the tank.
Can anyone recommend a good temporary home for all my fish and shrimp? I've been looking at storage boxes but was worried about their strength when full with water. I'm not looking to rush the decorating or the rescape so I'd like something the fish can happily live in for a while.
I'd also like to try and keep most if not all of my epiphytes but I'm planning on running my 50l on very low light to try and keep them happy, could that work? By all means the shrimp can go in there too.
Stocking wise I've got 30 wcmms, 15 celestial danios, 6 panda cories, 8 pygmy cories, 2 pearl gourami and too many shrimp to count 😂
Cant you move tank and fish etc while the works done? Upstairs on a landing. Seems a lot easier that multiple containers
Cant you move tank and fish etc while the works done? Upstairs on a landing. Seems a lot easier that multiple containers
To be honest it's a good excuse for a rescape. Plus not convinced I should be placing 300 plus kilo up on my landing 😱, I wouldn't trust Barratt to have made strong enough flooring. Also I couldn't move the tank with rocks and substrate in situ, far to heavy and would make far too much mess.
I know quite a few of the guys on here do a rescape reasonably often so kinda wandering what they do temporarily.