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pratik bose

26 Sep 2013
I would be grateful if you would be willing to take 10 mins to complete this small survey.
I am doing a dissertation for my degree and need over 100 responses. I would greatly appreciate if you would complete the survey and then get people you know to do the same (through email or social media, just forward the link to family and friends).

I do hope the mods don't mind this - Its not spam. Also the survey is completely anonymous.

Thanks in advance.

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A bit pointless really not enough options
I delete most marketing emails without even reading them especially from companies i haven't heard of or had business with and add their address to my spam filter immediately. I some times add companies details, that i have done business with to spam filters too especially if there harassing me for feedback of their products.
Done. Good luck with your degree.
If your tutors are going to see the questionnaire itself as well as the results, you might like to proof-read it and fix a few typos. 🙂
Thanks sparky. Just need to pass to get an overall 2.1 so have struggled to motivate myself!

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Thank you all so much. Have had 60 responses in 1 day. Need 40 more to move on to the next stage. If you would be so kind to share this with family or friends I would greatly appreciate it.

Many thanks.

Also sparky thanks for point out the typos think I have corrected them now.

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