Brian Murphy
So I started this tank back on the 9th June (can't believe it's been that long) and have had some set backs with some plants not doing so well due to soil burn (I presume) and have changed things around a little. Basically this was an experiment to see what I could grow DSM and I tbh I wasn't even sure if and when I would flood the tank but the decision has been taken to do it next week which is why I'm posting this now in the journals section. The previous journey of the tank can be found here My emersed project | UK Aquatic Plant Society
I had a bit of time on my hands over the bank holiday weekend so I gave my rocks a good scrubbing and placed them in the tank as best I could considering the tank is only 30cm wide and I didn't want to disturb the Staurogynes. I also decided to tie on more moss because of my decision to flood, there is still some moss from the DSM and I hope that it will stay attached after just 2 weeks. I moved the redmoor into a different position and plan on ordering some new plants at the weekend for flooding next week.
So the specs will be as follows :
Tank : Standard 90x30x45cm
Filter : APS 1400lph +UV Spraybar for now (new sample range of glassware arriving soon 😉 )
Co2 : Sodastream via UP 16/22 Atomizer
Substrate : ADA Amazonia
Lighting : APS 2 x39w
EI Dosing
Plants: Staurogyne Repens, Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini' and java/fissidens moss
I am planning on maybe getting Proserpinaca Palustris, some bolbitis and java fern and maybe something else but still unsure and open for comments and suggestions.
I had a bit of time on my hands over the bank holiday weekend so I gave my rocks a good scrubbing and placed them in the tank as best I could considering the tank is only 30cm wide and I didn't want to disturb the Staurogynes. I also decided to tie on more moss because of my decision to flood, there is still some moss from the DSM and I hope that it will stay attached after just 2 weeks. I moved the redmoor into a different position and plan on ordering some new plants at the weekend for flooding next week.
So the specs will be as follows :
Tank : Standard 90x30x45cm
Filter : APS 1400lph +UV Spraybar for now (new sample range of glassware arriving soon 😉 )
Co2 : Sodastream via UP 16/22 Atomizer
Substrate : ADA Amazonia
Lighting : APS 2 x39w
EI Dosing
Plants: Staurogyne Repens, Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini' and java/fissidens moss
I am planning on maybe getting Proserpinaca Palustris, some bolbitis and java fern and maybe something else but still unsure and open for comments and suggestions.