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Resolved! Redirected to download


5 May 2011
I've tried to access the forum a few times today and instead of loading a page it pulled up a download dialogue and tried to download a file (named with random letters that change each time). I got here by loading the base url www.ukaps.org (which didn't work this morning) but UK Aquatic Plant Society - still wants to download (I suggest not clicking that link).

I would say something dodgy is going on somewhere!
There was a slight issue with the server earlier today, it was reported to hosting company and they resolved it!
If the issue still occurs in certain circumstances, just delete your browser cache and that should fix the problems.
Yep, also had this and assumed there were server issues or updates happening!
No problem, my computer won't auto start a download so I just cancelled - I just wasn't sure if you were aware as it's not doing it consistently 🙂
Yeah this is happening for me but only on mobile and only on the fish subforum.