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Recommended Glassware 16mm


13 Aug 2008
Surrey, UK
Hi all,

New tank / cabinet and lighting is on order and im beginning to gather hardware.
Having been away from the planted game im a bit out of touch.
What glassware does everyone recommend for inlets and outlets. 16mm.
Not looking to spend a fortune but something with decent build quality and good water distribution is a must.

Also, does everyone just slide the filter tubing over, and not bother clamping them with jubilee style clips? Im always worried the tubing will just come off or leak.
(i know using clamps can lead to it cracking)!
Cal Aqua Labs and gUSH are good well crafted options available from our sponsors.
And pushing the tubing over the glass is fine...it's actually very difficult to get it back off for maintenance.
You're right, Jubilee clips would just crack the glass, and ruin the aesthetic.
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Glass is so eighties...go for stainless steel!

To remove pipes from glass, a little bit of heat can apparently help...
oooh i love the idea of stainless, i was forever breaking the glass ones.

The Natural Aquario ones look good and the design is interesting that they go into the cabinet.

The inflows of the borneo wild and Aqua Rebell all look too tall for a small tank. being over 30cm high, they will virtually fill a 35cm tall tank and wouldnt look as good. they should have made a 20cm version IMO.
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Alternatively, i could buy the nano inlet. thats 14cm long.

Does anyone know if the Borneo Wild inflow (not the nano size) can be cut down.
It looks like there is a joint in the pipes just above where the holes are drilled. Is it a screw thread of just push fit?

If its a push fit, i could probably cut the pipe down by 8-10 cm and just push it back together again.
Does anyone know if the Borneo Wild inflow (not the nano size) can be cut down.
It looks like there is a joint in the pipes just above where the holes are drilled. Is it a screw thread of just push fit?

I'm afraid it's a screw-on attachment. One other little gripe with the borneowild pipe's length is that the holes are drilled almost to the top of it. That does mean that there's low and evenly distributed suction (which is good), but if like me you want to put a pre-filter or guard over it then you've either got to do the whole lot or do a bit and tape the rest up with something. Neither option looks great. I believe the aquasabi stainless steel pipes are drilled much shorter so are easier to cover, but I don't have any personal experience with those.
I see, thanks for the info. Its harder than i thought to find a decent set.
It might have to be the nano borneo set then!
I've ordered 2 pairs of stainless steel pipes from hk (ebay). Should be here in next couple of weeks ( I hope!) The sellers did different sizes of pipes.

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Alternatively, i could buy the nano inlet. thats 14cm long.

Does anyone know if the Borneo Wild inflow (not the nano size) can be cut down.
It looks like there is a joint in the pipes just above where the holes are drilled. Is it a screw thread of just push fit?

If its a push fit, i could probably cut the pipe down by 8-10 cm and just push it back together again.

The BW SS inlet pipe has a screw thread. you can buy it with or without the long part with the drilled holes.