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Recommended Filter Media?


30 Sep 2011

I will be setting up my tank soon and I would like to know what filter media I will require for my External Fluval 305. It will be a planted tank dosed with EI so I only need biological filtration and not chemical.

What filter media would be recommended?

I use Sera Siporax which is a very good bio media. And you will also need coarse and fine sponges for mechanical filtration, and filter floss
Hi all,
I will be setting up my tank soon and I would like to know what filter media I will require for my External Fluval 305. It will be a planted tank dosed with EI so I only need biological filtration and not chemical. What filter media would be recommended?
I don't like any fine sponge or filter floss inside the filter, or anything else that impedes flow, for that reason I usually have hydroton, rings, alfagrog, coarse sponge etc in the body of the filter and a PPI10 or PPI20 sponge pre-filter on the intake. I clean the pre-filter weekly.

I've never used plastic washing up "scrunchies", but others have, and they are fine. If you want an upmarket scrunchie the Kaldnes type "floating cell media" works, and is cheap (if you don't buy K1 etc)

If money wasn't a factor I'd use "Coco-pops" ("Eheim Ehfisubstrat pro") they are about the right size and never clog and I use the ones that came with a filter I bought pre-owned, but I wouldn't buy them.

There is a thread with a lot of discussion here: <http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/advice-needed-external-filter-media.3>

cheers Darrel
Apart from sponges, is there any other filter media either than ceramic media?
Ceg has mentioned plastic toy soldiers 😀

Basically anything with adequate surface area that doesn't impede flow too much, doesn't break down and isn't harmful to fish/plants can be used.