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Recommended filter for a nano tank 30l


22 Feb 2013
Hi all,

Been looking into options for an external filter for my tank.

Am I better off with a small 150/200lph nano canister or should I opt for something like an Eheim 2213 or The smallest fluval canister (104 I think?)

Would a canister be better overall instead of a hangon cascade type filter as found on the fluval edge tanks? Leaning towards this as I can get my heater into one of these and out of the display.


Posted from the comfort of my iPhone...
Hi all,
I like Eheim 2213, they are robust and last for ever. I bought all of mine second-hand, but you can still buy them new as "Eheim Classic 250".

I also like the Eheim Liberty HOB filters, I just throw away all the internal cartridges, and 1/2 fill with ceramic/sintered glass rings. Again usually some of these on Ebay, as they aren't manufactured any more.

Have a look at this thread: <http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/which-filter-for-a-60l-breeding-setup.23884/>

cheers Darrel
Thanks Darrel. I've been looking at the filters on eBay😉

Is there a classifieds here on UKAPS? Surely some members have old gear they would like to part with?

Posted from the comfort of my iPhone...
I am planning to use an external filter on my nano. I have researched this a fair bit and the Resun Cyclone CY-20 looks good and has come recommended on this forum before. I will be putting some foam over the intake.
Thanks for your input - the Resun does look good but all those nano canisters appear to the same, just rebranded.

At the moment I'm leaning towards the Eheim 2213.

Posted from the comfort of my iPhone...
I have an AquaOne Aquis 500 on my 35L high tech at the moment. It does a very good job, quietly too. You can't really go wrong with the 2213s though.
I also like the Eheim Liberty HOB filters, I just throw away all the internal cartridges, and 1/2 fill with ceramic/sintered glass rings. Again usually some of these on Ebay, as they aren't manufactured any more.

what what?? they have stopped making the liberty HOBS?!?! Oh man i love those filters. Time to buy a couple more before they are gone.
I use eden 501s (using 2 at the moment) . These are available from aqua essentials as well as the larger models. Brilliant filter but you do have to run them at the same level as the tank else the flow drops dramatically.

About to put one up for sale as it goes with lily pipes etc. Stripping down my nano literally right now.

I would seriously avoid cheap Chinese knock offs (allpondsolutions do one). I've used one of these and it was seriously unreliable.

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Hi, I too am looking for a filter for my 30 litre which I plan to set up as a low tech, I'm swaying towards the liberty hob filter but unsure which size to get, 2041 or 2042? I have no experience of hobs so could anyone advise me please, this will be low tech similar to Paulo's thanks

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I ended up buying a boyu ef-05 from eBay. I couldn't resist as it was cheap. So far I'm very impressed. It was easy to set up and runs pretty quiet. The build quality isn't the best but that's to be expected for the price. The hoses were a little bit stiff AMS and hard to position behind the tank but I soaked them in hot water and that softened them up enough to get them how I wanted. I know other people have had problems with the flow rate but mine has been running for 2 weeks now with no issues. The input and spray bar aren't the best looking but they work fine. I'm tempted to see if I can get glass ones small enough to fit.

Best of luck with that. The boyu is the cheap Chinese knock off I had. Ran fine for a week then kept getting trapped air in the intake and choking up. Tried everything but couldn't fix it. Hope yours runs better.

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