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Recommendations for TMC signature tank


21 Jan 2014
Good morning. I finally manage to buy the 60cm x 45cm X 45cm optiwhite tank. But I am stuck with light source option. I want a led type but not sure which one. I don't really like the bulky type lighting or with hanging bar over the top. I will be running it as a high tech tank. Thank you in advance.
what should be the recommended lighting budget for a £150 Tank?

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When you say the hanging bar, do you mean this?


These light cost around £120 - 130 for the full set up, IMO a real bargain. These lights are my fave of all the TMC lighting. The colour rendition is really crisp.


  • VgwVa16.jpg
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Thanks. Any other options?
I have incidentally bought an interpet led light for my other tank. It seems to be very bright. Anyone using it before?
I wonder I should Built a shelf above the tank and secure the light under the shelf.

Also, I just built the signature cabinet. Do I need to buy the stylofoam material to put under the tank to prevent possibility of cracks?
Could fellow signature tank owners upload some photos of your lighting setup for more inspiration?

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I have just been to the lfs to search for the light option. Both aquabar and tile version does not look that bright. I have been recommended some gieseman light but it is quite expensive and I am not convinced it is that much better. Has anyone has the tmc iluminair v2? Or any other recommendations?

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