Wow keyboard warrior, those are stunners.
What lighting were you using and what tanks were they? I particularly like the clean glass and sand.....not a huge fan of the coralline algae everywhere, although I understand it has its benefits.
Ill check out the nanoreef, think it may be one of the ones I briefly looked at the other night.
As a side it seems the fluval sea set ups are out mid June, and pfk did a recent article on the TMC signature marine set up which look nice, although not sure I liked the sound of a gurgling overflow....i like quiet tanks, plus with choosing all the additional gear it could get very expensive very quickly which is not what I ideally want. Maybe I could retrofit the 55l aquanano and be careful with inhabitant stocking choice. Obviously that way I'd already have the tank, but maybe couldn't get all the fish I'd like. Being smaller in size would mean outlay on live rock etc would be much reduced too 🙂
Ill consider my options over the next few weeks and decide then if going marine is viable now.