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Re-scape questions

It's all in a box, but I'll get it all out over the weekend and get a picture for you. It's not advertised on the forums yet so I'll give you first refusal before I post elsewhere. Should be able to get a pic later this evening or tomorrow.
Ok, I figured there's no time like the present, put down my beer and got out the rock!

First pic, the whole box on the scales, 18.5 kg including the box, but that's just an Asda plastic storage tub.


Now for the rock, the board it is on is 60cm by 50cm so gives you an idea of dimensions. Big range of sizes from large pieces to tiny pieces. Everything in this picture has been thoroughly cleaned, but hey, Dragon stone can always be cleaned more. It's had bottle brushes and skewers through it.


In this pic the pieces at the top left have not been cleaned, the rest have been cleaned like the bits in the previous pic.


I've picked this up in various shops and eBay, spent way more than I should have then never used it after putting hours of time in to cleaning it!
How much for all of it? Miles more than I need but saves picking bits I like, would have to clear it with the boss first mind lol.
List it buddy, she seems to think that the wedding in august is more of a priority right now, damn it
I have some tropical 1 2 grow plants, will it be OK to separate it tonight ready for tomorrow? And what's best way to keep it till planting?
Keep it in the tubs in a cool room until tomorrow, if you open up and split it will dry out. You could seal it in plastic bags with a spray of water, but you might as well keep it in the tubs.

No worries on the rock, I'm getting married in August too, I know where you stand, haha.
I have taken photos on my Sony xperia z3 compact but can't upload files as it says they are too large, is there a way around this or something I can do to resize them?

If I have just done this today and put fish back in when should the below commence?

1) feed critters?

2) dose co2

3) dose tropical plant fertiliser?

On a side note I have the co2 in a can set up, how often should I fill it?
Looks good bud, what are the plants near the front I like them

Why fish do you have in your tank?
They are Staurogyne repens 1*2*Grow, should look good in a few weeks and I have 6 ember tetra and 3 amano shrimp, thinking of getting some other shrimps