Whilst not working the tank is definitely getting more tlc, and I have more time for viewing.
Thought I’d share again a typical weekly maintenance routine as I’m now actually carrying this out and it goes to show that you get out what you put in. The algae woes are behind me and the tank is looking vibrant again because of it.
I start by removing the cabinet doors as this offers easy access to the equipment below. I then lay down an old roll of carpet to prevent spillages on the living room carpet
The water level gets dropped if necessary, and I give the glass a quick wipe to remove any biofilm/algae...
Next is to remove any loose leaves or debris from around the tank...
Next I trim and plants or stray leaves, mainly bolbitis, ludwigia and any damaged leaves I see. There was a few on the crypt balansae which needed thinning out a bit anyway.
I said i was going to cut the ludwigia in tank this time, however it had developed a lot of roots so I decided to remove and trim again as I’m not a fan of seeing the white roots....
Trim down, I normally then remove a couple of leaves from the lower part of the stem in preparation of replanting...
.....and shortened ready to replant.....
Pushed back into the bolbitis, it straightens itself up pretty quickly.....
Next day....
I need a step as I’m a bit short
The red ludwigia definitely adds to the scape....
I also try to remove any new plantlets that start to grow on the tips of the ferns as they look a little untidy.
Once all the trimming is done....
....I then clean the substrate. I have two sizes of siphon/gravel cleaner. A little one for getting into the more awkward areas, and then a larger one for doing the majority of the sand. It’s amazing how much detritus builds up in just one week.
This is siphoned away down a drain away next to the tank:
Some water is used to water the houseplants
Whilst the remainder of water is being drained I take the opportunity to clean the pre-filters in the Fluval G6 filters. I do this twice weekly now and I also swap the glassware for a duplicate set I have cleaned ready. Every 2-4 weeks I clean the pipes also and fully strip down the filters on an alternate 2 week cycle.
The water level is pretty low for quite a while so I regularly mist the exposed plants to prevent them drying out too much.....
I also quite like the view with the exposed plants....
once all is back together I refill via the the thermostatic mixing valve and HMA filter direct from the boiler:
Put the ‘stuff’ back in the cabinet.....
.....doors back on and enjoy......
I even extended the photoperiod tonight as I was enjoying relaxing in front of the tank....
