Yup they are on a long term prazi bath, just as Dr. Fiona advised it looks like its helping.. Still waiting on the fluke solve to arive.. I did bring that Colombo stuff back and told the seller Colombo can stick it where the sun doesn't shine. I told him to take a look at Dr. Fiona's products, but as i expected again i ran into ignorance, he said that Colombo stuff is also developed by a fish Dr. So and So. And the warning in the instructions is nothing but jurisprudence and was certain that if Fluke Solve was on the Dutch market it would need about the same content in the user manual as Colombos stuff. Blablabla he using that Colombo stuff for ages on his ponds and never had a negative review from his customers. Unbelievable, hes a nice knowledgable guy but still ignorant and feeling pinched in the bottoms ofcourse by my findings against his advice, like he and his costumers have ponds full of corys and tetras. Never mind!! Have a nice day, todeloo!!! Lots of people cant make the difference anymore between positive feedback and critics and instantly feel and act like they have to defend.
I'll stick with that for now and not going to fiddle around with them, they are just to easily stressed. In this state they are in, chasing them around and dipping them in all kind of stuf will only make it worse then better.. I'm trying things, like Daphnia, White Moscito, Arthemia and blood worm, They ignore the first three but i finaly got them to eat good on blood worms, the whole tank seems to like it and goes frenzy on it, that kinda triggers them to come to the party as well. I see no more pinched fins and only one of them still breathing a bit heavy but kinda holding on and also joining and eating .
It is indeed horrible to watch all the time and the thing is, this tank is so young i have to spend a few hours a day to help it mature and fight things off. If i walk away for a week just not to have to watch it.. The tank will be ruined. I did put some plants in there with hair algea on it, i knew wath i was doing and knew this is going to be a nice batlle, which i can win, but it will take work and dailly dedication hunting that stuff down to help the plants fight it off. So the down side now is, i see those little corys struglle all the time in front of my eyes, it sometimes just gets to me looking at it and can do much about it. The powerless rage, sometimes..
Seems like Sera is using alcohol to delute the prazi, when i administered the second dose of prazi i saw a huge bacterial bloom developing, That was crazy i saw patches of green algea on the wood, the ones that normaly give it a nice patina realy starting to shine flouresent green. I thought omg what is happening to me? This cant be true, its going to become a total disaster if it goes on like this. Did a 25% water change and luckily at all settled down again and is back to normal. Pfew.. Have to go trough some more WC before i can put the fluke solve in i guess ill get in a couple of days the tank will be ready for that by then.