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Pruning grass in nano


23 Jan 2014
London, United Kingdom
My nano tank cube hasn't much space to angle scissors - I have moss grass and a moss tree that is growing like crazy but I need to trim in very limited space - any ideas how? Aqua tools are not giving me good angle to use eg with curved scissors. I need a kind of chopper that cuts straight across once lowered..... Does anything exist to do this?

Thanks, Lou
Can you just use a normal pair of nail scissors as they won't have the long handles?
Thanks - the sewing ones look good for my tree. My carpet - I can't even get my hand down to it otherwise nail clippers would be great. Might have to stick with cutting it at an angle. I've even looked at cardio surgical tools - interesting angles but not quite ready to pay £40 for them!! I love miniature scapes but they are tricky when full up and blooming!!