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Protecting Tank bottoms from Hardscape?


13 May 2009
Manchester, UK
Hi all,

Does anyone have any recommendations on things to use to protect the glass bottom of a tank from from heavy/rock hardscape?

I've been thinking of getting some polystyrene sheet/tiles to place underneath the larger/heavier rocks when I rescape my tank. Would that be suitable? Or even required?!

Is it a concern for ppl, or do they just not think about it?

Thanks in advance! :thumbup:
Thanks for the suggestions! I don't really what to raise the height of the stones that much, that would mean I would need to buy more substrate!

Hey Stu, is that the same stuff that the camping mats are made of? They seem to be a little cheaper than the Yoga mats online...
egg crate is the best thing. its sppreads the weight really well and wont affect yoour substrate level anyway, becuase the extra you will need to cover it, is the stuff you save from the space it takes up in the first place!
plus, plants love it as the roots can grip onto it and really take hold. 🙂