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Project Unknown

Nice @FrozenShivers!

Just for my understanding and learning, there is not a lot of surface agitation at all - no doubt to stop off-gassing to some degree. But you also don't have a tiny stock of fish - a fair few indeed. I wonder if I am doing too much surface agitation (and perhaps spooking the fish). So am I right to assume that you are just letting the plants do the oxygenating? And do you do anything else at all, day or night, in terms of oxygen exchange?

Thank you! It does look like very little surface movement right now considering there's a Biomaster 850 on it 😄, it was far more visible until recently when the floaters took over most of the surface. I do have a Aquario Neo Skimmer running attached to the outlet, this runs 24/7 and will be helping oxygenate along with plants.