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Progression of Nymphiodes aquatica cuttings


23 Feb 2025
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Hope this is the right forum for this.

I took a few leaf cuttings of N.aquatica and I’ve been monitoring their progress. I was curious about how long it would take for roots & shoots to appear and then how long until they were a plantable or saleable size.

Took approximately 11 days for the cut petiole ends to callus and then only a couple of days for the first rootlet to appear.

It sprouted a new shoot quite quickly & then a second one less than a week after the first. So in approximately 17 days there were roots plus two shoots on the first cutting. Not too shabby if you are the impatient sort.

First cutting with rootlet & a hint of the first shoot. The callus on the end is clearly visible.
First shoot is more visible now.
Second shoot & the first has a recognizable leaf.
The next image was taken 5 days later. There is a lot of progress to be seen.
This is another leaf and its first rootlet was in the air too long & dried right up. This shows its response to the loss of that rootlet; a big bunch of rootlets plus at least two (maybe more?) shoots appeared in next to no time. Time will tell if it gives me more than two little lilies.
The first cutting again, taken 16 days after the last image of it. Pretty impressive I think. They’re not getting much beyond what fish provide - a bit of trace supplementation but the lighting is pretty strong. Lights on about 4.5 hr, off for 4 hrs & back on for 4.5.
So far I’m extremely pleased. I could plant them at this point I’m sure, but I don’t want to separate them just yet & I do want to keep tabs on their growth until they’re more mature.
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I had nymphoides aquatica in my tank for a while and I could just pull leaves off, stick them in the substrate and it would root quickly. I got several plantlets this way. I gave some to @AlecF a while ago which he said were doing well too. Unfortunately I don’t have it anymore but it was a cool plant and I’ll definitely get some again in the future.
They are interesting plants - look like lilies superficially but they’re not the same. For now I prefer it to grow fully submersed so every time a leaf heads for the surface I snip it off & plant it. Works great & I do the same thing with Nymphaea sp.
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I had nymphoides aquatica in my tank for a while and I could just pull leaves off, stick them in the substrate and it would root quickly. I got several plantlets this way. I gave some to @AlecF a while ago which he said were doing well too. Unfortunately I don’t have it anymore but it was a cool plant and I’ll definitely get some again in the future.
I am sure I can return you some, if you want. It's interesting how it becomes like a floating plant, long thin stems and leaves on the surface.