U need Phosphate and Nitrate to grow healthy plants.They are vital part of the plant metabolism.
In tanks with a lot of fish and only few plants the companies assume that Phosphate and Nitrate will be provided by fish waste thats why they exclude them from their mixes.But for heavily planted tank thats really not happening and U need to add them too
There is a old misconseption that those cause algae in planted tanks wich nowadays is confirmed that is not true.Still many companies try to sell their products using that false statement.
Also some for one reason or another dont offer all in one products containing all that is needed for plant health so U end up spending money to buy 4-5 different bottles while U can get only one bottle and dose that.It saves money and hassle too.
The link is for Iron suplement.Fair enough but plants need very little iron and normally it is included in any micro mix fertiliser.It is also very rare that plants strugling like yours will have Iron related problems.Iron problems will appear on new growt in form of pale to white ish new leaves.Any damage on old growth is CO2 related or Macro element related as those are mobile and the plant moves them from old parts to form new growth to sustain itself sacrificing old leaves.
TCN is a brand of fertilisers.This is the one U need it has everything in it that is needed for healty plants.
I gont know why is tour GH increasing sorry
Now about light.
U do NOT need high light to grow healthy plants.
This is an old misconseption too.
I and not only me have lush tanks with minimal lighting.
There is a balance between light ,CO2 and fertiliser.The higher the light more CO2 and ferts are needed.Think about the lite as a gas pedal in a car.
If U have high light and low CO2 and nutrients U are actively frying your plants.
I will leave it to one of the more scientific minded people chip in and explain it to U better.
Regards Konsa