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Price of fish

Since when did Neon Tetras, Harliquins, Rummynoses and other small shoaling fish sell for £4.25 each!!!!!!

Be cheaper to go back to a reef tank!!!!
Where are you shopping out of interest?
Maidenhead Aquatics. I don't shop there but popped in at Brighton Marina branch the other day as I was there
Yeah, I noticed they can be more expensive than other independent stores. But regardless, prices of fish do seem elevated.
Somewhat unorthodox but I exclusively buy my fish from Pets at Home. Cheaper, healthy, close at hand and the range, though a bit basic, varies enough to keep my tanks nicely populated.
Maidenhead Aquatics. I don't shop there but popped in at Brighton Marina branch the other day as I was there
One of the most expensive retailers tbh. I have worked at a MA and te mark up is ridiculous

Much cheaper nowadays to use online stores, I use riverpark. have made a few orders from them and never any problems.
At those prices you'd still save with the £20 postage fee for shopping online. I wouldn't mind paying a bit more if the quality was there. There are three places selling fish quite close to me but the stock is often disappointing in variety and quality.... unless you are a fan of guppies/platties. I don't think the local P@H sells many fish... pretty sure the same batch of peppered corys have been in for almost a year and I've seen them with eggs too. It's about the only thing other than the livebearers they stock. My LFS got a new wall of tanks... then filled them with guppies.
Prices seem to vary wildly between Maidenhead stores. Cirencester is usually very reasonable compared to others. I've seen (last few months) Neons, Cardinals, Lemons, Emperors, Bentosi etc for £2-3 each and Panda/Sterbei Corys for around £4 ea.