Do the cultures suit certain species of plants alot better?
Re pots & algae/pests,
I 've yet to get snails or BBA type algae from Tropica nursery plants (obviously the tissue culture plants are sterile) , there may be some cyanobacter type algae in the rock wool but I remove this before planting, I also rarely store purchased plants in my display tanks (they can easily be stored overnight or a couple days in the special (large) Tropica bags which keep plants damp with access to light & air).
Unfortunately Tropica has no control over shop displays/conditions, so look carefully at store display tanks for snails & algae etc.
If mail order, place newly arrived plants in a bin etc, then rinse thoroughly before planting in your tank, examine plant for snail eggs, algae etc, remove any damaged emerse leafs,
if significant algae, then place in an Excel "bath" (using up to 10X suggested aquarium levels) for 10 - 60 min (more delicate leafed plants will only tolerate shorter times whether Excel or peroxide is used as an algicide), continue dosing Excel etc in the tank during startup
I don't really do anything special with Tissue Culture plants vs pots
I use Aquarium Soil & moderate CO2 & 5-6h lighting & light water column fertilizers (Tropica
😉 ), one tank receives a lot of ambient light so I run CO2 24/7, just turning CO2 down outside photoperiod
I don't add in anything but shrimp (possible nerite snails) until plants are established - I think this is especially important with TC plants where leafs/roots are often fragile (& tiny)