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Possible relapse (formely called "Urgent help please")

Good morning everyone.

After a few days of peace, black Molly seems to start behaving in a weird way and the white spots (see pic in previous post) are coming back around the eyes.
When this started we gave the whole tank
3 days of eSHa Exit
and then
3 days of eSHa Exit + esha 2000
This ended last saturday the.13th
What could we do now? I dont know how long or how many times we can use the treatment as we already did the recommended 3 days + 3 extra ones
Help please
Hi confusedman,

Thankfully I've only ever had to treat white spot with single (as per instructions) doses of medication so I'm a bit unsure what to suggest for the best.
I think if you've already used exit for 6 days it should have killed off the ich, assuming it was actually ich to begin with. Re using if its not 100% needed is only going to stress out the fish again.
You never said if the other fish developed spots, or you did and I missed it.

Is it possible to put the molly in the quarantine tank and try to treat it separately? If so maybe that would be best.

If you do end up with a definite outbreak of white spot then you'd either have to dose again or maybe try another type of treatment.
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Just been speaking to a friend of mine who is pretty good on diseases and treatments.
Is your water hard or soft @confusedman?
If you have any Methylene Blue it would be a good idea to give that Molly a bath in it in a separate container to see if those spots stain blue,if they do it's fungal and most likely Saprolegnia.
He's had success treating Epistylis by hitting it with NT Labs anti parasite first then a combined course of exit and 2000 but the copper content in the NT Labs would mean any inverts would need to come out first.
Thank you. Its London water which is apparently hard.
The esha exit treatment seemed to work last week. She stopped acting lethargic and went to her normal herself for four days, no trace of spots. Last night she wasnr acting normal neither she was this morning. This early evening she had worsened a lot. The other ones seem to be ok but this is exactly how it happened ten days ago and then the Gouramis went into crisis too. Unfortunately I dont have any Methylene, just eSHa Gdx, eSHa Exit and eSHa 2000
Hi confusedman,

Thankfully I've only
You never said if the other fish developed spots, or you did and I missed it.

Is it possible to put the molly in the quarantine tank and try to treat it separately? If so maybe that would be best.
The two Gouramis were super poorly. Staying still at the surface *not gasp ik ng or anything) just there, no movement. They wouldnt eat.
Then with the treatment everyone went back to normal (just for four days)