Got a largish common Plec 7-8" currently residing a 48" tank. The current aquascaping is bogwood planted with Java Fern.
Can any other plants withstand large Plecos?
Can any other plants withstand large Plecos?
Feed some vegetables and you may find the damage stops. I had a large male Ancistrus L100 in a tank with Echinodorus bleheri, and he didn't eat it. I fed a mix of green veg. with some harder ones (usually sweet potato).He'll completely strip 5-10 sword leaves overnight if he is in the wrong mood despite having algae wafers dropped into the tank at lights out
Doesn't look very promising, I think he will just keep eating your Echinodorus.I do feed the fish vegetables such as courgette, broccoli stems, spinach and sweet potato blanched until slightly soft and weighted down with a metal spring.
PM me your address, I'll send them .Those look amazing but funds are very tight this month. I would be interested after payday at the end of the month if you still have them. Christmas with two small children plus a big filter failure in December has taken all my spare cash