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Please help me identify this moss!


25 Jun 2012
Have no idea...


There are some pieces that are really long. I can post more pics if it helps 🙂
I'm pretty sure it's not java. Java is all stringy and there is no 'shape'?
I thought so but baught a tub of this sold as java moss interesting to see what I was scammed with

I have a full bucket of it! It was in my shrimp cube, I finally thinned it out. It does grow very well!
I know it's not spiky moss, I have some of that as well in a tank.

I'm thinking possibly it may be peacock moss (as I know I had some of that) but as it's grown under very very low light, because the tank was literally full of it, it has become more elongated than usual?
I was going to say my Christmas moss grew like this when it was free floating and left to it's own devices 🙂
