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Playstation 4

22 Mar 2012
Richmond, North Yorkshire, UK
Hey guys,
Looking forward to receiving PS4 at the end of the month!

Many more people got them on Pre-order?

Has anyone heard when GTA5 is available for Pre-order on PS4, as I've heard it's not going to be released till April now to 'Prolong the Brands value'.
Be patient. You only posted the question a couple of hours ago... :)
always been ps but this time will be going for xbox, sick of lag online even running 120mb. Will wait til new year though, first batch of consoles always have a bunch of issues...

Really Iain?
That's funny, as I'm doing the complete opposite, having always had an xbox. The PS4 is going to be better I reckon. And now PS online will be subscription as the xbox, so servers should be a lot better than previously unfunded ones.
I don't know much about the tecky side of things and how many Mega pixels you need to see the hairs on an ants a*se, but I reckon it will be decent lol.
Be a busy month, this month. Got Assassins Creed Black flag on preorder now. Gonna try get a few more before release. Well. While buying a New eheim 350T and a Jbl co2 kit. :lol:
Guess we all know what's Nat's doing Friday, I typical per-order but this year thought I would wait and see some reviews, but definantly be getting ps4. It's a shame watchdogs got delayed. They recently release a teaser trailer for charted....

My mates getting one thou, so may pop over to have a nosy lol
I had one on pre order, however cancelled it on the advice of a friend from the US. massive batches have been sent out with bent hdmi pins and it seems the cooling system is insufficient resulting in a similar overheating that plagued the '360. Ill be waiting till next year but by the looks of things im swaying towards an xbox one.
I've always had xbox's since the PS2. Mines on its way ;)

I'm yet to hear anything rendering the PS4 useless, unlike the xbox, some of which were knackered on day one by dodgy updates, which deemed them necessary to be returned to Microsoft to be fixed.

Agree watchdogs looked sick, shame it's been delayed, but won't put me off ordering it when I get some cash.

Personally, I'm most looking forward to ripping around the salty sea In a ship with an eyepatch on.

I think I'm ready for my PS4 coming ...


I'm envious. My god damn 4ft tank is rinsing any spare cash i've got. 5th attempt a hc carpet is getting rather expensive. If I've got the co2 right this time, i may be able to justify a ps4 some time next year. I suppose i'll have to accept a slightly lower resolution pirate experience:(
I'm envious. My god damn 4ft tank is rinsing any spare cash i've got. 5th attempt a

I'm trying to do both! But I've not got a mortgage like you probably have/other outgoings etc lol.

I have been without a console for about 6 months now, so maybe I'm chomping slightly more at the bit than most :lol:
Apparently according to my friend (who works for sony) sony are launching a warranty investigation for three big issues that the initial 'launch batch' suffer from apparently they already have a list of issues and production has now been altered to fix some of them. as they are near enough identical with the xbox ill be waiting until the initial launch issues are sorted before diving in :)
yup, might as well wait a year, bound to be massive issues with both of them. GTA5 on the PS3 is still an epic game, it wont be worth the extra expense of the ps4 to play it that's for sure!
Indeed. although I have another friend that has had the opportunity to see both units stripped down which mus of been cool. apparently the ps4 has a clever intricate cooling vent system so they can use a smaller fan so it is quieter. MS have learnt from their previous mistakes and put a bloody huge fan that near enough covers the entirety of the motherboard lol.
Indeed. although I have another friend that has had the opportunity to see both units stripped down which mus of been cool. apparently the ps4 has a clever intricate cooling vent system so they can use a smaller fan so it is quieter. MS have learnt from their previous mistakes and put a bloody huge fan that near enough covers the entirety of the motherboard lol.

Well at the end of the day, it's under warranty, so if anything goes tits, they'll be replacing it ;)
My mate cancelled his Xbox One pre-order, as he is not really convinced that this is the way forward as an all in one home entertainment console, for use with the family TV. He has both PS3 and Xbox 360, but neither these are located in the lounge by the family TV, both are in the "play" room, to play games whilst rest of family can watch TV. He has a FreeSat recorder box, Blu-ray player and Smart TV and between them do iPlayer and LoveFilm and Netflix (?) and play disks so why bother with yet another box.

He went for Xbox One (as opposed to PS4), as was originally touted that downloaded purchased Xbox One games could be played online with your "friends" without them having to purchase the game, unlike PS4, where both players would have had to purchase the game. Not sure that is true now. This was his major issue with all the on-line game play, that all of your friends have to had purchased the game, which more often than not they hadn't. Wasn't too interested in playing "just anyone" as they were always better than he was, which was strange as in 1990's he got a ranking in UK DOOM championships, held in London.
Indeed. although I have another friend that has had the opportunity to see both units stripped down which mus of been cool. apparently the ps4 has a clever intricate cooling vent system so they can use a smaller fan so it is quieter. MS have learnt from their previous mistakes and put a bloody huge fan that near enough covers the entirety of the motherboard lol.
Intrestingly the larger fan may actually be quiter. It is fairly common place in the pc world to use larger fan at a lower speed for moving the same air volume in a given time. A large fan running at 50% is alot quiter and lasts longer than a small fan revving its nuts off.

Im still undecided as what to do myself. Im definitley going to wait 6 months at least but the main question for me is do I get the xbox or throw the £400+ at my pc instead.