I planted a tank about a month ago with an undemanding set of plants, The Plants Alive 36" selection. These flousrished, and grew well with the CO2 and the EI ferts. I have had to trim them, and have planted the trimmings in a 2' tank with no CO2. I have found that after the plants have been trimmed the growth of the whole plant seems stunted. The 2 Rotalla that I have in the main tank have just faded away, while the trimmings in the 2' Juwel tank are growing well. The tank I am using still has the original built in filter, which adds a bit of O2 when returning to the tank. The internal powerhead they use is rated at 1,000 lph, is the flow enough? Where am I going wrong?? With ref to CO2, I have a ladder diffuser and the bubble count is about 100 bubbles per min, and the bubbles are almost completely absorbed by the time they reach the top of the ladder.
The tank is a 165 ltr AquaOne aquastyle 850
Flitration is via original built in overhead filter with clay balls and ceramic tubes
Substrate is JBL aquabasis plus topped with JBL manado
Heated to 25DegC
Pressurised CO2 with solenoid on from 8am 'til 8pm
Lights areT8 Atman 2 x 8,000K Super Light, and 1 x 15,000K Tri Power Light .On 9am Off 9pm. Too long?????????????
This is a planted tank with no fish
ph = 7.0
ammonia = 0
nitrite = <0.25
nitrate = 20
kh = 7
gh = 26.
Bill W
The tank is a 165 ltr AquaOne aquastyle 850
Flitration is via original built in overhead filter with clay balls and ceramic tubes
Substrate is JBL aquabasis plus topped with JBL manado
Heated to 25DegC
Pressurised CO2 with solenoid on from 8am 'til 8pm
Lights areT8 Atman 2 x 8,000K Super Light, and 1 x 15,000K Tri Power Light .On 9am Off 9pm. Too long?????????????
This is a planted tank with no fish
ph = 7.0
ammonia = 0
nitrite = <0.25
nitrate = 20
kh = 7
gh = 26.
Bill W