Well ive just received my order.....WHAT AN ABSOLUTE CROCK OF S**T
No rotala indica...although they said they've refunded the money
No sagittaria natans ???
hereranthera is 4" long
Ludwigia is 6" long
Blyxa is ok, Crypt is ok, Cyperus is good
I'm sitting here looing at this tiny bag of plants....all mixed up, not individually wrapped or labelled and i feel like crying
I have a 48" tank that i would've liked to make some impact with today but this lot wouldn't fill a 12" tank.
Come back Greenline...all is forgiven. Photos to follow
blyxa and crypts do not travel very well anyway. You cant really complain about the sizes, i would rather pay there price for a stem plant that i know will grow to the size of a tropica plant within a week! 😉 6" is a good size to me anyway!