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Plants - 1000% price difference. Why?

foxfish said:
While on this subject - wouldn't it be nice if we could buy plants that have been grown underwater & already acclimatised to our tank conditions?

We're actually better off with emersed plants, as they adapt quicker than ones already acclimatised to being underwater 🙂 so you get quicker results when you plant up your tank.

Arr I see then in that case I bow to your superior knowledge.

From my experience however, (we, as a dedicated group of enthusiastic plant growers in the CI) have found great success from swapping plants from member to member but, found melting very common when planting immersed grown plants!
This might well be because the transit time is hours rather than days?
Is there a price premium for emmersed plants?
And which brands are know to be grown like this? (From what I've seen Tropica are, but I don't know about Aquafleur (the only other brand I've really noticed).