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Planting bulbs


14 Jan 2012
Can any body give me some advice on planting bulbs in my 300 liter tank. I have some space that needs filling in my tank and I have a yearning to try slow growing bulbs in pots buried in to the current substrate as well as adding some mosses to the front of my set up to cover the mixed up gravel... see later!

I have some stem plants, Bacopa Caroliniana, Mayaca Fluviatilis Green, Didiplis Diandra, and a variety of Amazon Swords and Varius unidentified Crypts all growing great guns at the moment probably due to the root tabs, daily fert (liquid stuff called "Lush") CO2 injection and the fish and the plants are doing great. Very small amount of algae which I clean off when i do the water changes 25% every other day or there abouts. I have twin T5 lights on for about 6-7 hours a day and i know thats the source of the algae but as long as it stays manageable I am happy as it is not getting on the plants in fact some of the plants did get a coating of BBA but it has all but disappeared.
My filter uses a 9watt UV light and I use treated tap water as our supply is very soft and very clean. It is supplied from the Service provider just along the road from us in brand new plastic pipes and is connected to our property through the same alkathene pipe system. the only nasty in the water is the chlorine which is clearly detected by a humans nose when the taps are running! In fact the water is so clean all our house plants need extra mineral dosing as does the fish tank

The substrate is a mixture of kitty litter gravel and some ornamental stuff that was a waste of money as it just got mixed in with the other gravel during the makeover six months ago! I also run a under gravel heater cable which seemed to be a good idea at the initial set up time but now i dont know if it does any good but am scared to turn it off as everything is looking ok.

I cant do pics as my camera and photo or aquascaping ability is not up to it. The pics on here and the level of aquascaping is way too good to put my attempt alongside. So sorry no pics... not yet anyway
You didn't ask a question as such? So I think thats why your not getting many replies.

Try wording things slightly different, and be clear about what you want to know, and I have no doubt people will be tripping over each other to help you.
Can any body give me some advice on planting bulbs in my 300 liter tank.
😵 perhaps this is a stupid question.....do I just put the bulbs in the aquarium gravel or do I put them into pots in the gravel. Maybe use some nutrient rich planting medium... which one?

Someone must at least have an opinion!
thanks Mark. 🙂
I appreciate your response and my own research was leading me to believe this was OK too. I am going to try two or three Aquaessentials Aponogeton species. My tank is being set upfor Discus fish so these may not like the extra warmth. We will see! thanks again
I got a bulb recently with a selection of plants I ordered, no idea what it is but I just pushed it into the top layer of gravel a little, leaving most exposed and its growing fine. Will put a few pics up when I am doing some tank maintenance this evening

forgot to add as Murf says leave the top exposed :thumbup:
As said above be sure to just plant the roots and leave more than half the bulb or more above the substrate or it will rot. Leaving it in its pot will only restrict its growth so remove that too. :thumbup:

Also dont be shy with photos, we are all here to enjoy planted tanks it just so happens that some people are good with a camera too but its not important day to day. Any pictures are better than no pictures.
Thanks for all the help people. I'll get some pictures up then... not now but soon as Im off to work another night shift