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Planted Goldfish Tank

Themuleous said:
Have you been able to chat to him about plants much?


Not a lot it's always so busy when i go in there, but he does seem to love the planted tanks and always asks how UKAPS is doing 🙂 did catch him in his office the other day, he had a coffee in one hand and an Amano book in the other, maybe he is a closet aquascaper trapped in a marine world :lol:
DevUK said:
Could you possibly list some of the plants used in this tank? You've got me seriously thinking about my goldfish tank now... 🙂

Of course mate...

Microsorum pteropus
Echinodorus 'Ozelot'
Echinodorus 'Ozelot' (Green)
Echinodorus parviflorus 'Tropica'
Vallisneria americana (natans)
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Mi Oya'
Nymphaea (Rubra i think)
Echinodorus bleheri

I think that about covers it 😀
The only one i have probelms with is the vallis, the biggest goldie likes to chew the ends occasionally, if i see that i know he needs his greens so i throw a bit of cuecumber in there and they all go mad for it 😀
I have just had a EJQ Luminaire delivered for this tank, so as soon as lampspecs deliver the tubes for it (hopefuly tomorrow) i'll post some new pictures as i moved a couple of plants around at the weekend 😀
Dev I'd say it depends on your goldies, if your lucky and they are like mine you could probably get away with most plants, but if you have ones that like to uproot / will eat anything then I'd go for broader leaved plants and bitter tasting / tough ones like java fern.
The new Luminaire and the lamps from Lampspecs finally arrived and i have removed a few of the older leaves from my Ozelots in order to let some of the new light onto the younger growth and genrally thin things out a bit.
Also because of the sudden increase in light i have upped the Co2 and dosed some carbo plus just in case.

here's a few more pics... 😀





DevUK said:
I'm upgrading my Goldfish's tank this week. Hopefully have this tank by the end of the week, which is significantly bigger (2 1/2 times bigger!)

Your tank has inspired me to give it a go 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

Nice Tank 😀 your goldies will love it! I'll look forward to reading that Journal mate 😀