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Plant Selection Help


New Member
6 Apr 2024
South Dakota USA
I have torn down my 30 after fighting issues with it for months on end. A lot of my plants that were in there got bleach dipped and transferred to my 10 gallon. I am getting ready to put in an order for a bunch of new plants and wanted to run my order by y’all. I am trying to do a Dutch inspired tank. I’m really trying to focus on color and texture differences.

Currently in the tank:

S Repens (5-6 plants)
Bacopa Monnieri (15-20 stems)
Alternathera Liciana (6-7stems)
Anubius Nana Petite (1 plant)

What I’m planning on ordering:

Rotala Wachilli (6-8 stems)

Anubias Congensis Mini (2 plants)

Anubias Minima mini version (2 plants)
Lobelia Cardinalis Mini (one bunch)
Eriocaulon quinquangulare (2-4 plants)
Rotala Indcia (6-8 stems)
Pogostemon erectus (6-8 stems)
Bacopa Salzmannii (6-8 stems)
Bacopa Myriophylloides (12-16 stems)

I’m wondering if I should swap any of the plants out for anything else to keep colors and textures at the forefront of the plan.
This will is a high tech tank running full C02 and high lighting ability along with aquasoil and full fertilizer regimen