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plant id please

rotala rotundifolia, definlty not L. aromatica as I have both plants.
I've tried to grow it emersed or even get it to grow out of the water with the plant still in the tank....it doesn't like that at all. I'm letting in grow now and see if it wants to show me some flowers in the (near) future.
Would like to know the name of this plant. I haven't seen it before and it doesn't look like Rotala or L. aromatica (I have/had both plants in the same tank).
Both Limn. and Rot. exibit species, that are quite difficult to "get on land". Myr.s can be even harder......
- one trick is to use oldest parts of stem - totally defoliage - plant deep, only 1cm. above soil - and wait for new growth. This will be adapted.
- another trick is to limit space - put some kind of fine net around the plant - let it grow on and "jam the space" - wait for it to force itself above surface, doing new growth. This will be adapted.
After that, you let the adapted parts grow bigger and then take cuttings to produce a potted plant for flowering.
.........simple as that (but it takes time 😉 )