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Plant ID please


18 Jul 2013
Hi guys,
Newbie here when it comes to plants. I set up this 2ftx2ftxx16inch tank for a single pair of Discus. I'm a returnee having been quite good at it back in the seventies. Starting from scratch meant fishless cycling which took forever and I eventually recruited some Corys to help things along. I'm also having to get up to speed with all the different water available these days. I bought one of those flip-up 4 tube T5 thingies which, although is only using two tubes is ott because I haven't got a timer on it yet and keep leaving it on for far too long hence the algae.
I bought a bunch of plants from Ebay and some time later they all grew plantlets from the tops of the leaves. I've never seen this before. Can someone please explain what's happening? I'm guessing the nitrates are still too high.
Among the plants was a tiny corm about the size of a pea. It's the one in the left center forefront. Once it got established it took just 2/3 days to send up (18inches) shoots with surface leaves. Can someone tell me what it is please?
Thank's for your time. Paul



I have no idea what the plant at the front is but the plantlets you're talking about this a normal method for your java ferns to reproduce so to say. You can break the plantlets off and replant/retie them on objects. I have recently pulled 22 plants from mine.
Hi there,the plant you have that sends out a shoot to the surface is from the Echinodorus family.On this shoot that comes out of the parent plant is a new plant,that is how many Echinodorus reproduce.Not sure what type of Echinodorus this is there are a lot of them to put it mildly.Maybe someone can ID it.Hope it helps 🙂 Cheers Mark
Hi Paul
Certain your plant is Aponogeton natans
Had this plant a few years ago....shoots to the surface like a rocket.
You need to cut back on your lighting period.....get some floating plants.
Start a fertilizing regime.