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Plant deficiency-Ca,Mg ??or K overdose


11 Aug 2011
this is my problem





100l water,CO2 presurised,DC lime green -yellow(in-line Up aqua),EI +K2SO4,
flow-1000l/h,1x24w ON for 9h,3x24w ON for 5h,70cm from substrate
any sugestions??
is it the slightly drooping leaves your concerned about?
Are there 2 types of plant there also and is one ludwigia arcuata?
L.Arcuata and L.Cuba
I am concerned about these small new leaves and these yellowing old leaves with green veins in L.Cuba
Seems like an awful lot of light for 100l.
This will in turn drive the needs for c02 and ferts up.
I think i can see fish in the tank, so rather than try to increase c02 and ferts, i would be inclined to reduce the amount of light you are using anyway.
Also are you usin a full ei fert system with csm+b micros as well as macros as pale leaves can be a sign of micro nutrient deficiency.
My micro is not CSM+b.It is a Tenso coctail
/ B/ - 0.52 %
/ Ca –EDTA/- 2.57%
/Cu - EDTA / - 0.53%
/Fe - EDTA /-2.10%
/ Fe - DTPA/- 1.74%
/Mn- EDTA / -2.57%
/Mo /- 0.13%
/ Zn-EDTA/-0.53%
I am dosing micros every day,but total weekly dose is 0,3-0,4ppm Fe with Tenso coctail +0,1ppm Fe every day with Fe gluconate or Fe2SO4/i see no difference/
There are some ottos,cherrys and one h.amandae(3 died when DC colour was pure yellow,so i reduced bubbles to 2b/s)
Hi all,
these yellowing old leaves with green veins in L. "Cuba"
High light or unbalanced light and nitrogen (N) are distinct possibilities, this is "interveinal chlorosis". If you get it in older leaves it is often a sign of magnesium (Mg) deficiency. Uptake of Mg can be affected by high calcium (Ca) levels, usually occurring when the calcium:magnesium ratio is above about 30:1. You can also get potassium (K) and magnesium interactions at high K:Mg ratios, so I would probably stop adding the K2SO4.

Most of the tap water in the S. of the UK has very low Mg levels (but not if you are in Epsom).

I'd try adding some "Epsom Salts" (MgSO4.7H2O), and possibly some floaters. This is the approach I use for non-EI, no CO2 tanks, when the plants look pale green like this I use "Duckweed index" <http://www.ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=21284&p=217491&hilit=Duckweed+index#p217491>, but you are already adding all the essential nutrients with EI, so it is more likely to be a nutrient ratio problem, my guess being low Mg levels.

This is text-book Mg deficiency (in French Bean - Phaseolus)

cheers Darrel
efter last WC yesterday I add MgSO4.7H2O and CaSO4 and skip the K2SO4.
I hope that i am at the right way.