I really like the idea of a tankful of 1 or 2 species of plant (maybe 3) - are there any combinations that work really well that are not too difficult to grow ?
The two I have that really enjoy life together are Utricularia gibba and Riccia fluitans, they grow in a huge mass floating just below the surface. They aren't to every-ones taste, but the Utricularia flowers really well grown this way.I really like the idea of a tankful of 1 or 2 species of plant (maybe 3)
Java fern, Bolbitis and Limnobium laevigatum or Cryptocoryne x willisii, Anubias barteri "nana" and Salvinia "natans"? or any combination of the above and a moss? I like Vesicularia dubyana 'Christmas' as a moss, but any one would do.Java fern and Bolbitis
Intresting combination In my tank i had an abundancy of Riccia, used it as anchor for Utricularia Graminifolia. Took a few months but now UG is growing so well now it smothered all Ricia away and took over. I have very little ricia left in my tank it's completely outcompeted mainly by UG.. 🙂Utricularia gibba and Riccia fluitans