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Piranha Tank at the London Aquarium

Yes, this was a complete rescape..

We only saw the wood and rocks that went in the day we got there, so we had to cut one log to get the shape and layout we wanted, as the tank has to be viewed from three sides.

Also the boulders were brought in from the penguin enclosure, covered with nutrients... 🙂
Weekly.., also they get root tabs, which I have left a few of them behind for maintenance.

The fish produce enough waste to keep the plants going, so the ecosystem is working.

I am very happy that this tank is going strong, and it is giving the public a great experience of planted tanks.. if we can do it on a 18,000L tank, they should be able to do it on a 100L tank.. 🙂
Would be fun to see a PAR number on this tank.
Why? 🙂

It would be low.. less than 10 at substrate level surely.. it is a lot of water, and the lights are high.. main thing is that the plants grow.. proof that if you choose easy plants, you do not have to worry so much about lights.
Haha...I thought that as well...it's their diet of naughty children😱, at least that's what I told my son...he didn't believe me🙄

The last photo looks like an action shot but they're all to fat to move, instead they hover...they're all a bit like Mr Creosote

Good to see the tank has stood the test of time tho'...

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Wow they have stems in the mid ground!! Someone must go swimming and trim them every few weeks!!

What an epic story and evolution of this tank!

Well done!
The tank is huge so I'm guessing those stems can pretty much reach natural height and not obscure the view at all, so no need for regular trimming.
Over all it is pretty impressive...especially considering some other purpose planted tanks of similar size have had issues and not done so well.
I think credit is due to the staff of course, but it was injected and I should imagine still is, and the light intensity isn't really that high.
It's also full of very well fed lemon tetras and a myriad of very happy guppys.
Those are bloody ugly fish. Glad I wasn't the only one thinking how fat they are. They make my 2 chocolate gourami ladies look like super slimmers :woot:.
I have just read over this story of the tank from Ghostworld and Tony at Planted Tanks at start.All I can say is what a success looks superb on Trois photos Huge well done to the staff for the day to day also. The challenge was huge but you pulled it off :clap:
The tank is huge so I'm guessing those stems can pretty much reach natural height and not obscure the view at all, so no need for regular trimming.
Over all it is pretty impressive...especially considering some other purpose planted tanks of similar size have had issues and not done so well.
I think credit is due to the staff of course, but it was injected and I should imagine still is, and the light intensity isn't really that high.
It's also full of very well fed lemon tetras and a myriad of very happy guppys.
The plants will reach its natural habitat size. And they grow. Did you see the crypt carpet? Planted on penguin guano.. 🙂 covered with old gravel.

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