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Piranha Tank at the London Aquarium

You'd be better off putting in some lovely Silver Dollars hehee!!

But guys this is truly awesome!!! What a great project and advert for Fishkeeping and planted tanks. I think whatever fish go in there it will be an amazing display!

If it can't be pirana then Angels and Geophagus. Top tank that would be!! 🙂

I hope before the pirana go in that you try feeding them with plants in another tank. You have to test that first before its too late!

I'm really looking forward to the following vids and pics
There were piranha there before, with vallis and moss.. They were fine.

The London Aquarium want's to have a piranha tank, that is what they want, so they get piranhas. If the piranhas destroy the plants ... well, what can we do?

I would personally have angel fish there, lots and lots of them.. 🙂
Nice one, Luis. 🙂

It's good to see the layout from a full frontal perspective... and interesting HDR processing!

I don't think it's the world's (note the apostrophe...) second largest planted tank though.

Amano's home tank is over 10,000 litres, and I think his Sumida Skytree tank is even bigger. Then you have all of the Green Chapter huge planted tanks from Singapore.

Nevertheless, it's an impressive display and one I'm sure you're proud to be involved with! 🙂

Thanks for sharing mate. 🙂
🙂 George, thanks.. I will leave that argument of the world's largest tank to the London Aquarium marketing people.. 🙂

It was an amazing experience, especially as we only saw the wood on the day of scaping..

This tank is 4 meters long, 3 meters wide and 1.5 meters tall, making it 18000L. That is pretty large.. 🙂
If a group want's to visit the tank, let me know, so that we can arrange a behind the scenes trip.

There are more fish going in, and shrimp.. yep, London Aquarium want's to put shrimp into the tank. Told them that they may become snack, but they said that they had shrimps with the piranhas before and it was fine.

Also, a shoal of 100 ottos is going in.
They never had ottos.. They wanted to put plecos on it.. 🙂

It is a stepping stone... a bit at the time..

The staff is very interested in getting rid of all plastic plants (there are lots of displays), so I am popping in next week to talk to some of them and offer solutions. Things like ferns, moss and anubias can go a long way, and where there is a lot of light, use floating plants.

I gave them a lot of wood, and taught them on to attach moss to wood, using either superglue, cotton wool or fishing line, so hopefully we will start to see more tanks with moss and wood.

The staff is also very busy, but they are a good bunch, and I am sure that we will start to see some changes.
Do you have any more info on how the C02 is being introduced?

Same way as on a normal tank, but 24/7.. at the back, between the echinodorus.
It has a 44kg bottle at the back.

The tank has a lot of ferns, anubias and mosses, the CO2 is there mainly for the echinodorus.

Time will say if it will work.. no melting yet. 🙂
The 44Kg system has 50bar of pressure in it, this is reduced to 1.5bar on the regulator output. This then hits a metal splitter to two diffusers with integrated bubble counters.
Due to the volume of the tank and the location of the diffusers we could not possible determine the exact BPS count... but you can see it if you look on the video closely. We have now sent a CO2 drop checker for use in the tank.

The plant list and APPROXIMATE numbers...

18 x Aponogeton boivinianus,
54 x Cryptocoryne balansae,
54 x Hydrocotyle leucocephala,
36 x Echinodorus rosé,MOTHERPLANTS
36 x Bacopa caroliniana,
24 x Najas,
108 x Echinodorus xinguensis,
8 x Echinodorus horemanii,MOTHERPLANTS
36 x Nymphea lotus red - Dried out and were not used.
18 x Heteranthera zosterifolia,
4Kg Javamoss,
54 x Cryptocoryne walkerii,
54 x Cryptocoryne wendtii green,
54 x Cryptocoryne wendtii brown,
36 x Anubias nana
18 x Bolbtis Heudelottii
3 x Bolbtis Heudelottii - GRANDMOTHER PLANTS

Echinodorus xinguensis is simalar to that of Echinodorus Tenellus - it is a larger version and is slightly quicker to carpet. This plant is currently available via all Aquadip suppliers and is worth a try... but remember it is supplied at 15cm tall and can grow to about 25cm.
The report from one of the tank keepers:
"So 1st time snorkelling in the display after its 1st week and it still looks amazing. Not a spot of algae on the windows means it was a pleasure to clean . Pruned a couple of leaves that were looking worse for wear otherwise its doing well so far."