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Photogrammetry and 3D Printing for Special Habitat Features

Here's a 7-month growth update for the branch feature. It took them a while to establish, but the mini Ferns, Begonia, Mosses and Peperomia have covered well.

The branch has sagged about 1" with moisture absorption and the weight of the plants and water. A future version will incorporate longer internal tubular cavities for longer fiberglass pins to minimize deformation.





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I'm picking this project up again.

I have new CAD models for some of the tanks I have in mind. For the sake of planning, this is the best place to start.

I really like that WIO super shallow. It's only four and a half inches deep. I could also alternatively order some 6mm plate glass to build a tank like that for about the same cost and expand the X and Y dimensions even more.

UNS 90B - 900mm X 200mm X 250mm


Lifegard 6-gallon Bookshelf - 760mm X 150mm X 200mm


WIO 60SF - 600mm X 300mm X 120mm
