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Ph pen recommendation

There i saw already some CO² aquariums mentioned, but at that time it didn't say much to me, it wasnt very informative all, adding CO² was a rather out of this world idea and only available to Jet set nerds.
That was my experience too. CO2 was some sort inaccessible dark art for the select few.

I have seen illustrations of cast iron aquariums kept in victorian times, they seem to have plants and fish, but who knows whether they are actually accurate!
I had a very old aquarium book, with tanks in as you describe. Basically an angle iron frame holding glass panes sealed with some sort of putty or horrible tar like sealant, probably used to cork boats or something, and as you describe Marcel a paraffin burner underneath for heat, and a fuel driven pump for aeration 😵 I wish I'd hung on to it...but I had a clear out, and at the time I thought I'd never keep a tank again 🙁

A victorian tank form here http://www.aquariumarchitecture.com/archive/vintage-aquariums/ it reminds me of your Henry Goes Steam Punk tank Marcel 😉

it reminds me of your Henry Goes Steam Punk tank Marcel

That project was difinitively inspired by seeing images of the old style victorian tanks and the closest i could get to it with todays available materials.. 🙂 I looked into it for a while scavaging ebay and such, but these vintage tanks are very rare and if priceless. Also looked around for antique iron casted furniture parts i could use for a DIY project to copy one. But also this is searching for a needle in a haistack in Europe. Europe iis completely luted, nothing to find without paying top dollar. I walked around with the stuppid idea to build me a brass Jules Vern style Captain Nemo tank with a riveted brass rim. I came to that idea at a scrapyard by stumbling over some old brass Portholes from an old fishing boat. Than front panel glas, sides glas and the backpanel brass with the bolted portholes in it to peek through.. Nowadays kits and coating could make such a project safe to use. But thinking about it, thats more for a marine tank and not fresh water planted, that wouldn't look right.. So i skipped it, i'm not into marine too dificult and too expensive. But some how a brass rimmed tank is still in the back of my mind. 🙂 One day i just might walk into an antique store and stumble over the ornaments pushing over the edge..
Boys is this the most OT topic ever??? Dose this thread need some sort of award?? 😛
Haha, maybe I should do my job and split the thread...but where exactly, and what should we call the new bit ? 😕🙂