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PFK Planted Tank Special - 19 pages

The April issue may be worth a read too.

I have three features - one on algae, a Great Planted Tank interview with Norbert Sabat (Polish talented 'scaper) and my 370 litre step-by-step, crypt set up.
It is true though, a lot of whats in PFK is basic and unsatisfying at best.
I especially enjoy the reef segments as well as the planted tank coverage, they're the 2 most well written and give you the biggest insight by and large. One critisism of the pfk coverage is an over saturation of your work (George) and not much of other peoples especially in the back to basics.
It's difficult to find a balance between new comer and experienced aquarist and It is more well done some months than others.
Garuf said:
It is true though, a lot of whats in PFK is basic and unsatisfying at best.
I especially enjoy the reef segments as well as the planted tank coverage, they're the 2 most well written and give you the biggest insight by and large. One critisism of the pfk coverage is an over saturation of your work (George) and not much of other peoples especially in the back to basics.
It's difficult to find a balance between new comer and experienced aquarist and It is more well done some months than others.

You simply can't please everyone all the time.

Maybe you should submit something, Garuf? Seriously. I was unhappy with some of the coverage so put my words where my mouth was... 😀
One critisism of the pfk coverage is an over saturation of your work (George) and not much of other peoples especially in the back to basics.

That is true. However, if I hadn't already seen George's work on this forum, I wouldn't mind at all and I probably wouldn't even register that all the pictures are from George's tanks.

I like the reef articles too, even though I don't keep marines. I also like the equipment articles and every now and again an interesting breeding article crops up of a fish I like.
I know you can't please everyone all the time, I think everyone knows that and I readily accept that but when you wonder why you paid £4 for a magazine for 2 maybe 3 articles then you have to ask if it's pleasing anyone. :lol:

I don't put my money where my mouth is so to speak because I have a very limited knowledge to back up what I say, nothing to write on and I don't have a charm, wit, amiable style or personality that would translate into a good article. No point in trying to hide that fact.
I mostly read the planted tank articles and some of the fish articles/maybe some others that interest me aswell.

I definately think it's a great idea for more people from this forum to submit. I know this might be a bit humerous considering that i'm not even average compared to some of the guys on here, but I emailed PFK a couple of weeks ago asking if they'd be interested to feature a step-by-step from me. They said yeah, and when I said that photography maybe wouldn't be my strong point, they even offered to send a photographer round to photograph the whole thing!
Excellent stuff.

I subscribe anyway but I'm really looking forward to this issue.

My main hope from this, is that the LFSs will realise that aquarists want more than fish, hardscape and plastic plants. Hopefully they will realise that we have moved on and can keep live plants, so many shops just sell fish.

I'm sure most people on this forum will agre, there's more to a tank than the fauna. Personally I prefer the flora with the right fish to catch the eye and set it off. Many fish or inverts would be happier with plants than a sunken wreck (ugghhh!)

Open your eyes LFS this is the future!!

I recommend subscribing to PFK, there is always more than one thing in there that I didn't (Most Tescos sell it too).
George Farmer said:
The April issue may be worth a read too.

I have three features - one on algae, a Great Planted Tank interview with Norbert Sabat (Polish talented 'scaper) and my 370 litre step-by-step, crypt set up.

I'm glad Jeff showed you the ropes and how "to do" the hobby George🙂

Tom Barr
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks for the feedback on the planted tank special. As George says, we're always on the lookout for potential writers, on any subject, so if any of you are interested in writing something for us please drop us a line.

We are always interested to hear what you like (and most importantly, what you don't like) about the magazine and website content, as we obviously want to please as many people as we can. So if you do or don't like something please feel free to give us a shout!
Market surveys, Start with planted tanks, go to Reefs, go to various locations or folks that travel there, DIY specials etc.

Tom Barr
I'm REALLY looking forward to this - my fourth! - issue of PFK.

I think the critical comments about PFK are a bit unfair. My guess is that it is aimed at a range of hobbyists, but with a healthy bias towards those who really need advice and info - the newcomers like me. I have yet to buy a single fish or plant (or even a tank!), but I have voraciously read each of the PFKs I've bought, cover to cover.

The quality does vary, and a lot of it (the fishy stuff) goes right over my head. But luckily for UKAPS the best writer on the mag is our very own George F, and as a result PFK is ensuring that a sizeable chunk of newbies are being attracted straight towards planted tanks.

so Go George, go!
mine come today, great issue. i especially liked the article on tom messengers tank, nice one mate.

i'm looking forward to next months issue already! (we get to have a peek at your new tank, george 😉)