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PFK glassware blog

The lighting on the previous page looks interesting, Paulo.

Dave Spencer said:
The lighting on the previous page looks interesting, Paulo.

If you like I can post some photos of the glassware, light units and tanks and cabinet of the stuff this company makes. I can ask permission to a couple of mates in portugal to use their tank photos. Its pretty impressive and prices are very reasonable.
ld DO THESE GUYS DELIVER TO THE uk?....(caps lock) sorry

i'm liking the lighting braces?....the thing that lights hang off.
saintly said:
ld DO THESE GUYS DELIVER TO THE uk?....(caps lock) sorry
i'm liking the lighting braces?....the thing that lights hang off.

They do ship to the UK Mark, I have asked them that already, if you want something email them with the items you are interedted and they will send you a postage charge.
well, i ordered two glass co2 difusers from hong kong and broke them both in the same day.
Dave Spencer,

Why do you keep assuming that I cannot aquascape? And that I don't take aquascaping seriously?

Also that I have no knowledge about flow?

And what are you on about staged? It was seeing the state of Dan's glassware that made me write the blog in the first place, and the fact that he had broken a load of it without any help from me.

Please calm down.

It is quite amazing how balanced this (ukaps,) discussion is.

Most people who have used lots of it, have an issue or two with it, so why get so defensive?

Being able to question things and come up with our own ideas is what we should all be doing.

Look at Plant Brain.
Jeremy said:
Dave Spencer...
...Please calm down.

"This is a blog Sylivia!

I am inviting ranting..."

Jeremy Gay.

You wanted a rant Jeremy, and you got it. I had no intention of posting on PFK, but all the bling etc...crap got my back up, and I`m not very good at biting my tongue. Should I apologise for being passionate about aquascaping?

I don`t ask people to justify having Arrowanas in empty tanks with a few plant pots, which look like an abomination to me, and I certainly don`t get involved with these people, making silly, ill informed statements about their niche in the hobby.

You are a decent bloke Jeremy, but I don`t have to justify what I spend my hard earned on to you. That blog was ill thought out and your arguments were patently untrue.

As for fluid mechanics....do you dose an y coloured liquids such as TPN? Drop a dose in to the outflow of an immersed lily pipe. Does the coloured fluid drop straight to the bottom of the tank?

As for thinking and questioning for myself..... I can`t be bothered to reply to this bit. Rant over.

Also that I have no knowledge about flow?

You may have knowledge about flow but didn't show you have by comparing the flow of water through air and suggesting that is the way the flow would be underwater!!

What are you on about staged?
Yes Dan's glassware was broken. Yes many people do break glassware. I don't and I am pretty careless and aggressive with most things I touch. lol

You then went on a rant over how it goes green very easily. Look at Dave or my or other tanks where the pipes haven't been cleaned for weeks. They are brown from errrr. detritus and fish poop etc. Guess what. they are the same things the plastic pipes get covered with. Using Dans was staged because his weren't in situ in his balanced tank to get like that!!!

This discussion is balanced because in the main most of us are quite happy for others to use different equipment without having a moan about them using it. In many cases people can actually get better reviews than other sources because they are seeing the results of the equipment used over time in working conditions rather than staged tests done on setups purely for the test.

Look at Plant Brain.
Maybe you should do this yourself before saying that total diffusion is the aim. Tom is clearly of the opinion that misting is best and that means keeping bubbles in the water not making them dissolve into the water.

The reason you got this response on your blog wasn't because you had a moan about glassware. People can moan about what they like. It is purely because the examples you used and then the statements about their use or intentions of positioning etc were totally incorrect.

You also left out some vital pieces when thinking about flow restrictions. Maybe the smaller entries do restrict intake but you went on about tight bends in the inlet/outlets. What is different between these and the corners on plastic attachments. I would guess that smooth glass bends are much less of a restriction than plastic corners. which is the smoother surface? I will not say which because I do not know. I know which I would assume but for me to say that it was fact would start a rant 🙄

I've started using a lily outlet on one of my tanks and it does make a difference to the flow pattern. Before I was using the outlet from my EX700 and this was quite a direct jet of water flowing right to left along the front of the tank. Now it's set up the same, but I get that vortex effect. It draws surface water in (depending on the water level) and spits it out. When it's out of the water it's just a bit of a messy jet of water, no much different to the normal outlet.

Flow is definitely a little better 🙂