Singed up for mine a couple of weeks back, think it was 3 free issues with sub.
Probably the best they've had yet; a TMC AquaGro Microhabitat 8 pico aquarium.Lairewen said:What's the offer this month?
George Farmer said:Probably the best they've had yet; a TMC AquaGro Microhabitat 8 pico aquarium.Lairewen said:What's the offer this month? ... p?sid=3238
George Farmer said:Probably the best they've had yet; a TMC AquaGro Microhabitat 8 pico aquarium.Lairewen said:What's the offer this month? ... p?sid=3238
sanj said:George Farmer said:Probably the best they've had yet; a TMC AquaGro Microhabitat 8 pico aquarium.Lairewen said:What's the offer this month? ... p?sid=3238
I thought that was a competition, a chance to win one of 5 TMC AquaGro Micorhabitat tanks and not a free gift if you subscribe. That is what I am reading in the latest magazine, the subscription offer is for 3 magazies free. Perhaps there are more options when you look on to the actual subscription website. Its a b*gger because i only subscribed again last month...
George Farmer said:Probably the best they've had yet; a TMC AquaGro Microhabitat 8 pico aquarium.Lairewen said:What's the offer this month? ... p?sid=3238
I measured the tank, so I could get an approx. volume. There was no literature at all with it, as I assume this was a pre-production model.Luketendo said:Also does anyone know much about the tank for example the dimensions, information seems a bit scarce, of course coming from TMC it should be pretty good and the lack of information is probably because you can't really get them yet.
Bobtastic said:Do you have to pay the full amount upfront? It seems a lot of money... I would love the tank, but I've never read PFK b4 so don't really know whether it would be worth it...
PFK maybe a bit boring for some, especially if your main areas of interest are planted tanks and aquascaping.ghostsword said:I find pfk a bit boring, so I would not bother with a subscription,
George Farmer said:PFK maybe a bit boring for some, especially if your main areas of interest are planted tanks and aquascaping.ghostsword said:I find pfk a bit boring, so I would not bother with a subscription,
However, this latest issue begins a change. With Matt Clarke no longer at the helm, you may expect less fish biology/science etc. and perhaps more planted tank and aquascaping stuff.... 😉
If you're into planted tanks, then this latest issue is for you. There's about 8 planted tank or aquascaping related features, the most there's been in any one issue since I can remember.
No thanks!Garuf said:The way your hinting George, it sounds like you're the new editor...
Very true. Several UKAPS members have already had work published in PFK, and they're always open to new contributors. 😀stevec said:Im sure PFK would welcome articles from planted tank enthusiasts