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Persicaria praetermissum


5 Oct 2014
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Hello to everyone, my name is Antimo and i write from Italy. I'm sorry for my bad english. I would to know your opinion about my persicaria. He grow 1or 2 cm a day but the some lower leaf became dark and i cannot understood why...
I have this plant under a 2x 39watt and my aquarium is 80liter. The no3 is 20mg/l po4 is about 2 mg/lt. I use envy and propel, for the others i use DIY.

I add a photo of another plant in my tank this is a ludwigia palustris green7edfe082ef69242684fee19ddaaf6626.jpg

I'm sorry if i had done a post in a wrong place in forum.

I'll wait your answer...please help me to know.

Greetings from Caserta.
pH and water hardness doesn't matter for most plants. Driving factors are light co2 and ferts. You need enough flow to circulate the co2 and ferts in abundance so plants grow well. By reducing light you lower the requirements of co2 and fert uptake but doesn't mean you should.
Sorry but i cannot understand. Now i have over 30mg/lt of co2. If i give more i'll kill the fishes.
May you link me something to know...i think that there are a lot of difference between italian aquarium and english one.
Ok, i have a good news...i have cut these plant and replanted them in the same place...i havent a co2 deficiency, and others deficiency. They are growing better now. I havent done any change...so... see you soon